如果爱情有最好的模样,就是你穿上婚纱的样子,从那一刻起,从我到我们的故事,在一眼万年的乍现中徐徐开展。If love has the best appearance, it is the way you put on the wedding dress. From that moment on, the story from me to us has been developing slowly in the first sight of thousands of years.
这个空间的名字叫做《甸·堂》The name of this space is called Dian Tang人类最古老的爱情中,是“野有死麕,白茅包之;有女怀春,吉士诱之。林有朴樕,野有死鹿;白茅纯束,有女如玉。”Among them, the most ancient of all is the white bunting.Lin YOUPU, wild dead deer;white grass pure bundle, a woman such as jade.
古人带着纯粹的爱情,逃离这世俗中,在无人喧嚣的山野,在隐秘的洞穴,与自然为伴。With pure love, the ancients escaped from the secular world, in the deserted mountains, in the secret caves, with nature.
甸·堂以洞穴的理念,去隔开空间,使其成为一个个独立的故事载体。With the concept of cave, Dian · Tang separated the space and made it an independent carrier of stories.
《圣经》中说:“求你将我放在心上如印记,带在你臂上如戳记。因为爱情如死之坚强,嫉恨如阴间之残忍。所发的电光,是火焰的电光,是耶和华的烈焰。”The Bible says, "put me as a seal on your heartand as a seal on your arm.For love is as strong as death, and hatred as cruel as hell. The light is the light of the flame, the flame of the Lord. "
因此,我们造了一座“甸·堂”,希望让故事与空间产生对话,也希望,每一段爱情里,最美好的画面,都可以让神明前来见证。Therefore, we built a "Dian hall", hoping to make dialogue between the story and the space, and hope that the best picture in every love can let the gods come to witness.
“仪式感就是使某一天与其他日子不同,使某一时刻与其他时刻不同”。"The sense of ceremony is to make one day different from other days and make a certain moment different from other moments".
在甸·堂里,这一刻,更增添神秘与神圣的色彩,因为爱是人类最原始的需求,而婚姻则是最神圣的约定。In Dian Tang, this moment adds more mysterious and sacred color, because love is the most primitive demand of life, and marriage is the most sacred agreement.
你曾经愿意用尽一生去等待TA,如今也唯有你给TA带来幸福。所以,神明将这婚姻托付给你。You used to be willing to spend your whole life waiting for TA. Now you are the only one who brings happiness to ta. Therefore, the God entrusts this marriage to you.
于是两个不那么完美的人站在这里,而这一生的约定却预示永恒的盟约。So two not so perfect people stand here, and this life's agreement is a promise of eternal covenant.